Who We Are
We are a 501 (c) (3) non for profit organization. We are dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging greatness in others. We hope to encourage each person to discover their God given talents.

The mission of Journey Home Outreach Ministries Inc is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The vision of Journey Home Outreach Ministries Inc is create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their lord and savior.
The Journey Home Outreach Ministries is dedicated to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging greatness in others. We hope to encourage each person to discover their God given talents by gaining a deeper and more personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each of us has a role to play within ours communities, and the closer you walk with our Lord the more Love and Blessings we can bring to our communities. Join us as we crusade for Christ!
Witness Statement ~ How We Got Started
What is the Journey Home Outreach Ministries?
The Journey Home Outreach Ministries is a 501(c)(3) Religious Organization dedicate; first and foremost, to spreading the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and promoting and inspiring the greatness in others by helping them to realize their God given talents and giving them an outlet to express those talents for the sake of the Kingdom.
The Journey Home Outreach Ministries was founded by Minister Angela Faye McCarty. Minister McCarty's intention was to become a spoken word artist. Thus, she wrote a book of poetry titled 'The Journey Home a Collection Of poems By Sistapoohie' which she wrote and published herself.
Totally inspired by the Holy Spirit, God gave Minister McCarty twelve (12) stops to follow on her journey. Those twelve stops were the bases of her book and have become the basis for her Ministry. The final stop in the journey is totally surrendering and accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior. I encourge everyone to someday read the book to truly appreciate the Ministry.
Once the task of writing and publishing her book was completed and due to her disability, Minister McCarty spent lots of time in bed and would use her laptop to explore the Internet. When God showed her what was out there, it caused her heart and spirit to grieve.
Although she found lots of good Christian outreach ministries, God took her behind the scenes way out into Cyberspace where she saw lots of lost souls doing all sorts of UNGODLY things like , internet prostituting, pornography, men and women luring innocent children (boys and girls) to come out and trick them into doing unspeakable things, tricking them into lives that only the love of JESUS could recover and restore then from , children being torn from their mother's wombs for the sake of breading to be sold into sex slavery, human beings committing horrendous acts in cyberspace thinking no one can see them. Psalms 139 states " God sees every move we make."
God told Minister McCarty to go; behind the scenes into cyberspace and build a church without wallsand teach my children to worship in spirit and truth, so when they repent of their sinful life choices and come to Christ, they will have a place to grow in spiritual maturity enough to go inside the traditional four walls with confidence. Despite condemnation and criticism the children of God can testify of the love of CHRIST and how he brought them out of a life of sin and death to become disciples of Christ. Now they can go out into a lost world and tell others about this great love they have found. Besides the ministries' main website we also created pages on dating and social web sites such as Tagged, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace where the word of God is posted every day. God's words are avaiable to those who do not know his love. God even command Minister McCarty to go into internet poker rooms and chatrooms, sit with my children and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ
God warned Minister McCarty that she would be criticized, persecuted and dishonored by traditional MINISTERIES and MINISTERS but obey.
(Matthew 28: 20) Now go into cyberspace and "Teach my children to observe all that God has command of them.
Reminding his children that God is with them always even unto the ends of the earth.
Why the NAME Journey Home? (The 14th chapter of St John ) Jesus said, "I was going to prepare a place for us that where he is there we would be also." Although we are in this world, we are not of it." (Hebrew 11th Chapter) "The men who had faith in the promises of God realized this when they believed in a heavenly home." In Hebrew 11:13 "These all died in faith, not having received the promises but having seen them afar off, and WERE PERSUADED OF THEM AND EMBRACED THEM AND CONFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS AND PILGRIMS ON THE EARTH.".
God has prepared a heavenly home for those who believe on the name of his Precious son JESUS.
Life here on earth is nothing more than the beginning of our Journey.
I witnessed the birth of this ministry, saw the pain mentally and spiritually, I witness body, soul, and spirit wrestle to the point that Minister McCarty was drained of every ounce of strength but refused to give in determined to answer God's call no matter what price she had to pay.
I declare my witness to be true for I am not only a member, an elder, and spiritual counselor of the ministry;
I also serve on the board of directors for the Journey Home Outreach Ministries.
Elder Faye Lee Dillon